
There are so many things to do in Kashmir but nothing more challengingthan rafting in the white waters of the many rivers that cut throughthe Kashmir. The two most famous rivers where you can go for thisextreme sport is River Indus and Zanskar river. River Lidder also hasfew stretches that are good enough to keep you enthralled. The riversrun trough few of the most mesmerizing landscapes, giving you theopportunity to explore those wonders of nature, which are otherwiseunreachable through land routes. Few stretches are long enough thatthey take days to complete. And in between, you will stay in camps setup under the snow-capped mountains and hilltop monasteries, just by thesides of these roaring rivers. Though there are rafting options inKashmir region but they don't compare up to rafting in Ladakh region,especially in Zanskar. In other adventure sports, you get trainingsessions before you indulge in the real thing, but rafting is somethingwhere there can be no trial runs. All you get are few precaution tipsand safety presentation. Here only the real thing prepares you for thereal thrill.

White River Rafting destinations in Kashmir
Thebest place in Kashmir where you can indulge in River Rafting is inRiver Lidder near Pahalgam. The river hosts the two differentstretches, which are quite suitable for river rafting. They are greatfor rafting but they cannot be called treacherous as the slopes are notthat steep, and this attribute of the river is idle location for thetourist . One can go for a daylong excursion to the river. You can alsotake up white water canoeing in rivers like Sindh and Drass and Suruand in the many high altitude lakes like Gangabal, Kaunsarnag andVishensar. Its worth the time and money that you will spend on it.

White water Rafting destinations in Ladakh
Thisis the place where you will be face to face with and the roaring andthrashing beast, the Zanskar river. The Zanskar is graded as a classIV, extremely rough river. But the first look of the river will bedeceiving and the thought that the said difficulty of the river seemsexaggerated will definitely cross your mind. The rafting trip will befew days long and the first two days might not feel that adventurous.But hold on, the real test begins after two days of rapids. The nextfew days you will be hitting fast rapids in the deep gorges and revealit yourself why this rated so high. Apart from Zanskar River, IndusRiver also is a great option for thrilling white water rafting. Thebest time for rafting in Kashmir is during summer time( May-September)when the rivers are full of water. In winters many rivers and lakes getfrozen. Even in summers the water is freezing cold. Rafting is anextremely challenging sport so do not ignore the precautionary measuresand warning signs that your tour guide tells you to look out for. Makesure that there are adequate rescue measures before you embark on thisadventurous thrilling sport.

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